The exact causes of ADHD are not known, although studies have shown that ADHD symptoms are related to the biology of the brain. The role of gut microbiota has emerged as a potential target for the treatment of both neurodegenerative diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD) as a result of the decoding of the human genome and advances in our understanding of the human gut microbiome, including its interactions with the human brain.
The pharmacological therapies used today, which include stimulants and antipsychotics, though the preferred treatment option, studies showed varying efficacy with up to 30% of children either not responding or accompanying an increase of adverse events, thereby affecting the overall treatment adherence and compliance.
From longitudinal studies, it is established that at birth, the infant's gut remains sterile which soon starts colonizing with the microbiota acquired during delivery either through vaginal, faecal, or skin-to-skin contact with the mother. Previous research has emphasized that the actual microbial diversity initiation starts with the infant feeding of mothers milk which has large amounts of antibacterial substances, lactoferrin, and human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), which provide food for the colonized bacteria to grow in number as well as increase their diversity, particularly the Bifidobacteria, which dominate over other bacterial species in the infant's gut favouring lactate digestion and when the child is in transition from mothers feed to solid food introduction, changes tend to occur in gut microbiome composition with a shift of Bifidobacterium abundance to Bacteroides and firmicutes abundance, favouring carbohydrate digestion.
While gut dysbiosis can happen at any moment in life, research has shown that it frequently paves the way for the formation of pathological disorders later in life.
Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when given to a host in sufficient quantities, improve their health. Probiotics have been shown in studies to have strain-specific effects and to have the demonstrated ability to restore gut homeostasis.
Progurt’s human probiotic isolates (HPI) withstand stomach acids, which destroy most probiotics, to enter and be absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract. Progurt creates gut homeostatis, strengthens the gut microbial lining and positively affect our emotions and neurological disorders via the gut-brain axis.
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